We always make sure the uniform we provide is freshly washed and ironed for each request. As we receive so many donations this means we are always on the look out for help to wash and iron!
All we need is your time and your iron, we provide everything else, even the pegs!
If you can help as a one off, or could be part of our growing team then please contact us via Facebook

Small Steps Uniform Bank began as an operation out of a spare bedroom, but this has now taken over the entire house!
If you have, or know of anyone with any spare space we could use to sort and wash donations and prepare our requests please do get in touch via our page on Facebook
Thank you

Even though we are becoming more widely known in the local area, we are not yet large enough to become a registered charity.
If you fancy helping raise valuable funds then why not have a bake sale? Do a charity run? Or a kids sponsored silence (now there's a good idea :-)?
Thank you